POETS/SPEAK! 2022 is Tuesday, 4/12, @ 4:30 p.m. An hour of 10 poets. I’m the first reader! Obviously none of us read for long so if tuning in to hear me, don’t let time get away from you. The theme is invention & renewal, which can be seen/held/felt in so many different ways.
I used this photo because the cups are new to me, made by Tammy Ackerman (returning to her ceramics practice after a break of many years), and the sculpture, by my now-gone, longtime friend Catherine Stakel (who found sculpture late in life), has lived with me for almost two decades. I am always astounded at how there is genuine expression in Blue’s (her name) face that changes depending on the light and angle and likely other elements I don’t yet know to name.
To register for the Zoom link, go HERE (yup, not yet in person although I’ll be in Vermont in June to read out loud to people with eyes and hands and the scent of real life, and other not-yet-confirmed places). POETS/SPEAK! is cosponsored by the UMaine Honors College and the Bangor Public Library. The brainchild of poet Kathleen Ellis, with whom we normally (what’s normal? do we have a normal anymore?) would then hang out for a glass of wine, some conversation, laughter.
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