READING @ The Poets Corner: likely my last online for the year

The Poets Corner, a fabulous organization out of Rockland, Maine, has selected their lineup for LOVE LETTERS: Epistolary Poems for their Valentine’s Day event. Online. Sunday, 2/12, at 4 p.m. ET. “Epistolary” is just a fancy word for saying these poems are like letters.

I’m kind of done with online, but I’m also delighted that some of my away people will be able to join me/us. Chosen from more than 250 submissions, I’m one of 12 poets. If you’re interested, here’s the LINK FOR REGISTRATION.

I can’t tell you how delighted I am that this particular poem rose up.

Last month when I went to my son’s family in New Jersey, we went out to a lovely little wildness for a photo shoot—one of their gifts to me at the holiday. And so I have a new up-to-date me here. I was so moved by this and so happy to have some new photos of me I love. I always love the ones of the grands and their folks. They’re all so damn photogenic!!

photo by LeAnna Theresa

After Sunday, all my readings look as if they’ll be out in the world, starting with a birthday celebration for Edna St. Vincent Millay at the Farnsworth Art Museum on 2/25 at 1 p.m. ET. Then I’ll be at BookSpace in Bangor on 3/25 @ 2 p.m. for the launch of Kathleen Ellis’s new award-winning book of poems, Body of Evidence, for which my art is the cover. I’ll also be reading with others. On 4/11 I’ll read at Belfast Free Library and 4/13 at Poets/Speak. And more…

Be well.

And my heart goes out to

all those around the globe


unfathomable challenges.

Love is power.

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